Tim Graham
Personal Trainer
Tim has been a personal trainer in Columbia for over 20 years. He is certified by the American Council on Exercise, the leading certification body in the personal fitness industry.
“When I was 30 years old, I resolved to get in shape. At the time, I was about 40 pounds overweight. That was long before the internet or the wealth of books on fitness training now available, so I mostly resorted to trial and error. That led to a life-long pursuit of training for good health. Twenty-five years later, I decided to pass along some of what I had learned to others as a personal trainer. Twenty years and over 400 clients later, I’m still at it.”
Today at age 75, Tim can bench press his weight of 145 lbs and do 50 pushups! Whether your goal is to lose a few pounds, get in the best competitive shape of your life, or you want to achieve a minimum level of fitness so you can play with your kids or grand kids, Tim can help you achieve the results you desire.
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